Sunday, October 27, 2013

Rainbow Horizon

Rainbow Horizon I have a new piece of poetry called:
                                                           by Justin Vallejo, Junior
 I just want to say one thing-WHO ARE YOU?!
Who are you to judge me? Is it that I’m too gay for your liking?
Is it because I’m too straight for your acceptance?
Please tell me that sir.
Is it the fact the you are an angry ogre of hate, crushing everyone else’s dreams
so you don’t seem insignificant?
You’re nothing but a loser, a poser, with your sagging pants and
your brand name shoes. To read more go to and click the poetry tab and scroll to the bottom thanks


Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Rainbow Horizon

Rainbow Horizon 
This is the new calendar: The Positives of Being Positive, a calendar for 2014. I couldn't put all the photos in here, I had to pick one. I think the calendars came out quite nicely. All the net proceeds go to AIDS RESEARCH. The calendars are on sale here at the webstore for $12.00 plus tax. It’s for a great cause, so make sure you buy one today. I want to once again thank all that took the time to be a part of this calendar; I couldn't have done it without any of you. You all have done the AIDS COMMUNITY a world of good.

Saturday, October 19, 2013

Rainbow Horizon

Rainbow Horizon I wrote two new pieces of poetry called "Bright Light" and "Our Dance through Life" they are under the poetry tab. I would love to have others share their creative side? Everyone has a creative side. the one that writes stories, draws for fun, fashion designer, tattoo artist, photographer, one that plays instruments or sings, home made crafts, the list goes on. what are you waiting for share your creative side and show the world what you have to offer. The site has over 1200 likes, 8000 views, and 44 members. Go to click on register and stat sharing.

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Rainbow Horizon

Rainbow Horizon So there was a glitch in shipping part of the webstore. For some reason it was charging $15.00 for every order, however I just fixed it and now it charges you for every 5 items like it is supposed to.

Monday, October 14, 2013

Rainbow Horizon

Rainbow Horizon So I was in my Political Science class today and a conversation was brought up about what politicians say to get into office. We had a specific president in referencing our conversation, George Herbert Walker Busch. One comment he made while running for office was "Read my lips, No new taxes". Considering when a politician runs for office, their comments are "What I want to do". However; when getting into office, there is no I. The I then becomes a we. So why would a person running for office tell you what he or she would do, knowing when elected they no longer work alone? Go to to continue reading and respond

Saturday, October 12, 2013

Rainbow Horizon

Rainbow Horizon Here is an article I wrote: What to Write?
      As a writer, I often find it difficult to write about a particular thing. I could write part two of one of my books. I could write about touching subject matters that hit most people close to home. Depression, addictions, suicide, the list goes on. I could write about politics. Politics is a big issue today, considering the government has just recently shut down. The issue of going to war with Syria, the politics on equality, I could write a short story, or poetry. There is so much to write about that it makes it hard to decide on one specific piece. For today I will write about politics. To see the rest of the story go to

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Rainbow Horizon

Rainbow Horizon Stop by and check out the store and while you're there buy a raffle for a chance to win over a $150.00 worth of merchandise. go to

Monday, October 7, 2013

Rainbow Horizon

Rainbow Horizon 
I am raffling off merchandise in the store. Please click on the raffle button to purchase your raffle ticket and enter the drawing. The raffle tickets are $5.00 what I'm raffling off is worth over $150.00. So go to  to see the raffle thanks.

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Rainbow Horizon

Rainbow Horizon
How fitting to have attended a book signing and Poetry Slam on the night of the Fall Equinox.
Just as the day and night were equal in length, but total opposites of compositions; these two local authors had completely different literary styles.  Mark and Amy, each with a unique point of view, read verses ranging from love and family, character flaws and personal struggles.
Sometimes sensitive and sometimes shaking you down to your core;  the crowd that gathered loved every minute of it and these two authors gave a little piece of themselves to everyone.  All were able to see the world through the eyes of a gay male romantic and a straight female cynic for an hour or two.  To read more, please go to where you can also find poetry, news, photos, videos, blogs, and a store with items designed by me.