Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Tragedy finds love

Only through great tragedy can you find true happiness. I often look up at the stars at night and wonder if my special someone is looking up as well. Only in hopes that by some miracles miracle we might find each other up in the stars that shine brightly through the night. Though one might see this as a fairy tale, in reality isn't that what life is. Just a bunch of lonely souls wishing upon the stars to find that special someone that, may or may not exist? That is what true tragedy is. Hoping and praying that somewhere out is your true love. You have to go through a little pain and sorrow before you find real happiness. When in reality love doesn't happen for everyone. If you're truly one of the lucky ones, your loved one is waiting just upon the stars and the moon and when you least expect it, love will swoop down out of nowhere. It may be waiting around the corner or in that one place you have gone to every week for the past five years. You never know when or where love will hit, but just know it will hit when you least expect it. I am the last one to believe in love because of everything I have endured, but I truly believe that anything is possible if you wish and dream it. Through great tragedy, one will find true love.