Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Rainbow Horizon

Rainbow Horizon 

HIV epidemic and awareness

By Mark
During the period from 2008 to 2011, 20,778
people were diagnosed with HIV in New York. So with New York States population
as 2014 being 19,378,102, there are approximately 23,923.5827 people living
with HIV. To read the full story, please go to: http://www.therainbowhorizon.com/political-stories

Monday, July 7, 2014

Rainbow Horizon

Rainbow Horizon 

Take a chance

By Mark Flint

Life is full of choices. Some are good and some are bad. How you handle
them will determine how and where life will lead you. To continue reading this
story and others, please click the link: http://www.therainbowhorizon.com/stories

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

The Rainbow Horizon

How the rainbow horizon came about: http://youtu.be/7qgYuCPaUn8