Tuesday, December 10, 2013


Hi folks only a week left for the raffle. $5.00 buys you a chance to own all my merchandise and two weeks left for the website Christmas sale. Only 30 calendars left too.So stop by www.therainbowhorizon.com/apps/webstore/ and get your stuff now 

Saturday, November 30, 2013

Rainbow Horizon

Rainbow Horizon I've just marked down 82% of the merchandise to 25% off from now till Christmas so hurry it won't last long it's my Christmas sale at www.therainbowhorizon.com

Sunday, November 24, 2013

Rainbow Horizon

Rainbow Horizon I've just added a political story, 3 stories of interest, 1 story and a new poetry piece. sop by check out all the new articles as well as the web store. Also if you have a creative feel free to join and start sharing, it's free at www.therainbowhorizon.com thanks.

Monday, November 18, 2013

Rainbow Horizon

What is your creative side? Writing, drawing, painting, music, videos, photos, tattoos, woodworking, construction, cooking? Everyone has a creative side, so stop by www.therainbowhorizon.com join for free and start sharing. Show off your talent around the world.

Friday, November 15, 2013

Rainbow Horizon

Rainbow Horizon I've just added a political story, a personal story, and 6 pieces of poetry. I also wanted to add the Positive calendars are selling really well and the raffle is still going on but only until December 15th. We've hit over 1300 likes and 8500 views. Members are still low, only 46. Please check out the new revamped website at www.therainbowhorizon.com and join the site and start sharing your creative side.

Saturday, November 9, 2013

Rainbow Horizon

Rainbow Horizon After 2 grueling days I having finally finished revamping the site. There is no longer all the content on the home page, just basic info about the site. I have made specific pages for points of interest. please check it out at www.therainbowhorizon.com

Saturday, November 2, 2013

Rainbow Horizon

Rainbow Horizon I decided to write a different type of poetry called acrostic. It's a type of poetry which spells out names or words the first letter of each line. The intent of the acrostic is to reveal while attempting to conceal within the poem. The poem is called Angel in My Eyes. I also wrote another piece of poetry called waiting. please go to www.therainbowhorizon.com scroll of the tabs on top till you see poetry. This is where you will find all the poetry from people all over, I hope you enjoy all of our work. If you have a creative side simply join by clicking the register tab on home page and start sharing thanks.

Sunday, October 27, 2013

Rainbow Horizon

Rainbow Horizon I have a new piece of poetry called:
                                                           by Justin Vallejo, Junior
 I just want to say one thing-WHO ARE YOU?!
Who are you to judge me? Is it that I’m too gay for your liking?
Is it because I’m too straight for your acceptance?
Please tell me that sir.
Is it the fact the you are an angry ogre of hate, crushing everyone else’s dreams
so you don’t seem insignificant?
You’re nothing but a loser, a poser, with your sagging pants and
your brand name shoes. To read more go to www.therainbowhorizon.com and click the poetry tab and scroll to the bottom thanks


Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Rainbow Horizon

Rainbow Horizon 
This is the new calendar: The Positives of Being Positive, a calendar for 2014. I couldn't put all the photos in here, I had to pick one. I think the calendars came out quite nicely. All the net proceeds go to AIDS RESEARCH. The calendars are on sale here at the webstore for $12.00 plus tax. It’s for a great cause, so make sure you buy one today. I want to once again thank all that took the time to be a part of this calendar; I couldn't have done it without any of you. You all have done the AIDS COMMUNITY a world of good.

Saturday, October 19, 2013

Rainbow Horizon

Rainbow Horizon I wrote two new pieces of poetry called "Bright Light" and "Our Dance through Life" they are under the poetry tab. I would love to have others share their creative side? Everyone has a creative side. the one that writes stories, draws for fun, fashion designer, tattoo artist, photographer, one that plays instruments or sings, home made crafts, the list goes on. what are you waiting for share your creative side and show the world what you have to offer. The site has over 1200 likes, 8000 views, and 44 members. Go to www.therainbowhorizon.com click on register and stat sharing.

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Rainbow Horizon

Rainbow Horizon So there was a glitch in shipping part of the webstore. For some reason it was charging $15.00 for every order, however I just fixed it and now it charges you for every 5 items like it is supposed to.

Monday, October 14, 2013

Rainbow Horizon

Rainbow Horizon So I was in my Political Science class today and a conversation was brought up about what politicians say to get into office. We had a specific president in referencing our conversation, George Herbert Walker Busch. One comment he made while running for office was "Read my lips, No new taxes". Considering when a politician runs for office, their comments are "What I want to do". However; when getting into office, there is no I. The I then becomes a we. So why would a person running for office tell you what he or she would do, knowing when elected they no longer work alone? Go to www.therainbowhorizon.com to continue reading and respond

Saturday, October 12, 2013

Rainbow Horizon

Rainbow Horizon Here is an article I wrote: What to Write?
      As a writer, I often find it difficult to write about a particular thing. I could write part two of one of my books. I could write about touching subject matters that hit most people close to home. Depression, addictions, suicide, the list goes on. I could write about politics. Politics is a big issue today, considering the government has just recently shut down. The issue of going to war with Syria, the politics on equality, I could write a short story, or poetry. There is so much to write about that it makes it hard to decide on one specific piece. For today I will write about politics. To see the rest of the story go to www.therainbowhorizon.com

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Rainbow Horizon

Rainbow Horizon Stop by and check out the store and while you're there buy a raffle for a chance to win over a $150.00 worth of merchandise. go to www.therainbowhorizon.com/apps/webstore/

Monday, October 7, 2013

Rainbow Horizon

Rainbow Horizon 
I am raffling off merchandise in the store. Please click on the raffle button to purchase your raffle ticket and enter the drawing. The raffle tickets are $5.00 what I'm raffling off is worth over $150.00. So go to www.therainbowhorizon.com/apps/webstore/  to see the raffle thanks.

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Rainbow Horizon

Rainbow Horizon
How fitting to have attended a book signing and Poetry Slam on the night of the Fall Equinox.
Just as the day and night were equal in length, but total opposites of compositions; these two local authors had completely different literary styles.  Mark and Amy, each with a unique point of view, read verses ranging from love and family, character flaws and personal struggles.
Sometimes sensitive and sometimes shaking you down to your core;  the crowd that gathered loved every minute of it and these two authors gave a little piece of themselves to everyone.  All were able to see the world through the eyes of a gay male romantic and a straight female cynic for an hour or two.  To read more, please go to www.therainbowhorizon.com where you can also find poetry, news, photos, videos, blogs, and a store with items designed by me.

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Rainbow Horizon

Rainbow Horizon I just received the price for the calendars. I will be ordering the first week of November. They will be sold for $12.00 on my website. In case you forgot, all the proceeds less the cost, will be donated to HIV research. If anyone is interested in buying one of the calendars The Positives of being Positive calendars for 2014 please go to www.therainbowhorizon.com/apps/webstore/ this is where they will be for sale thanks.

Sunday, September 22, 2013

Rainbow Horizon

Rainbow Horizon

Saturday, September 21, 2013

Rainbow Horizon


Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Rainbow Horizon

Rainbow Horizon 
So my store on my website should be up and running by October 1st. I have 10 items for the store so far and debating on the other items. Anyways stop by and start sharing your creative side at www.therainbowhorizon.com it's amazing how much stress can be relieved when you're being creative in a positive and how much you can help others with your creativity and make sure you share the site with your friends.

Saturday, September 14, 2013

Rainbow Horizon

Rainbow Horizon
A new story and article as well as a new video has just been uploaded. I've also built the store and will be placing the items for sale by the end of next week. The calendars "The Positives of being Positive will be for sale online in the store as well. All the proceeds for the calendars (less the cost will be donated to AIDS Research. So stop by and share your creative side at www.therainbowhorizon.com

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Rainbow Horizon

Rainbow Horizon
I'm still looking for new members to join this site. It's free to join, on the home page click register that's it. I have added new content and my store will be on the website by October. I have applied for my tax ID just waiting for my approval letter. so come join at www.therainbowhorizon.com and share your creative side. Thanks Mark

Monday, September 2, 2013

Rainbow Horizon

Rainbow Horizon
So much content has been added I cant keep up with it. New Videos. stories, and of course more poetry. We now have 42 members, 900 likes and 6200 views. I am not done yet. I want to see everyone join and start sharing their creative side. The world needs more creativity and less violence. So help me in this cause and join my website at www.therainbowhorizon.com and show the world the creativity is more powerful than violence.

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Rainbow Horizon

Rainbow Horizon

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Rainbow Horizon

Rainbow Horizon
Do you have a recipe you like to share, a forum topic, something to blog about, a video of you singing, dancing, or playing an instrument, or maybe you have a story, drawing, photos, maybe a song you like to listen too? Well here's the place to share all your creative work. Its easy as 1,2,3. Go to www.therainbowhorizon.com click register and start sharing your creative side.

Monday, August 19, 2013

Rainbow Horizon

Rainbow Horizon
The site has been update and running very smoothly. The Positive calendars are also done and will be ordered shortly. If you haven't taken the time to check out, like, and or join the site please do so. Its free, just go to www.therainbowhorizon.com and click register. Then you can start sharing your creative side. I hope to see you all on the site, Thanks Mark

Friday, August 16, 2013

Rainbow Horizon

Rainbow Horizon
I've upgraded the site and uploaded a one on one video interview with a friend. So see what all the fuss is all about and check us out at www.therainbowhorizon.com and don't forget to join and start sharing your own creativity.

Sunday, August 11, 2013

Rainbow Horizon

Rainbow Horizon Hi folks I know the site is running slow and that is why I will be upgrading it by next week and hopefully in a few weeks I will have the store up and running too. So please be patient and keep checking it out. Also if you have a creative mind, please don't hesitate to join and share it with others around the world at; www.therainbowhorizon.com

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Rainbow Horizon

Rainbow Horizon Just updated my site with new stories, quote of the week, new recipes, and new photos. I am pleased to announce that I have reached 5000 views, 35 members, and of 600 likes. so stop by and check all the new content at www.therainbowhorizon.com

Sunday, August 4, 2013

Rainbow Horizon

Rainbow Horizon I have revamped the website. I removed all poetry from the home page and placed on its own page. I also added 2 videos. 1 is how to write free verse poetry and the other is of Maya Angelou doing a video poetry. Please check it out and let me know what you think at www.therainbowhorizon.com

Book signing

My book signing is in two days at the Rock Hill Bakehouse Cafe 19 exchange St. Glens Falls NY 12801. Please contact me for more information thanks Mark 

Saturday, August 3, 2013

Rainbow Horizon

Rainbow Horizon This is the cover of the Positive calendar let me know what you think at www.therainbowhorizon.com thanks Mark

Friday, August 2, 2013

Rainbow Horizon

Rainbow Horizon I still need 3 more people for the Positive calendar I'm making. If interested please contact me at www.therainbowhorizon.com my email info is there thanks Mark.

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Rainbow Horizon

Rainbow Horizon I am pleased to announce that I have 3 new members, a new article on depression, and a new section called Ask Melissa "questions on STDS". I have 4500 viewers from the US, Netherlands, Greece, Germany, Arab Republic, and the United Kingdom, just to name a few. the website touches on issues that affect everyone around the world. If you have a story, article, song, photo, or even a video, please join www.therainbowhorizon.com and start sharing. There are many that can benefit from you.

Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Rainbow Horizon

Rainbow Horizon Earlier I had posted I needed a few more people for my Positive Calendar. The mistake I made was not putting a way to contact me. It's a calendar for people living long term with HIV an have a positive note to pass on. Please let me know thanks Mark. Please email me at mefsr1967@gmail.com, or you can reach me at www.therainbowhorizon.com

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Rainbow Horizon

Rainbow Horizon Here is the official mission statement for the site.
So many people have no creative way to express themselves and that’s the primary reason why most turn to crime, violence, murder, drugs, and even suicide.

Our mission at www.therainbowhorizon.com is simple: A place to express yourself creatively. Whether it is; writing, drawing, photos, tattoos, or even videos. We here at The Rainbow Horizon feel that if a person has a positive way to express themselves, then they might be less likely to hurt themselves and or others. Most people just need to know that someone is around to notice that they exist and that they might need to someone to talk to. That’s why I Mark Flint created The Rainbow Horizon. If you or someone close to you needs to talk or needs a way to express themselves, please feel free to email me at mefsr1967@gmail.com

Monday, July 29, 2013

Rainbow Horizon

Rainbow Horizon I have just updated the website with new content as well as spots to post comments to Facebook. One of the members added some new photos as well. I have tried to make it more sociable, by placing Facebook comments where I thought it was needed. If you think there is another place to put a social link please let me know. Also, I'm still in need of a few more people for my Positive calendar. I cannot print the calendar until I have all months filled so please share with your friends to see if anyone is interested thanks Mark at www.therainbowhorizon.com

Sunday, July 28, 2013

Hola todos que todos pueden agregarme en Facebook si quieres que me encanta a reunión y hacer nuevos amigos. Gracias Mark Asegúrese de visitar mi sitio web en www.therainbowhorizon.com


Is there something you'd like to share with the world a story, photo, or maybe even a video? Or maybe you have something to get off your chest and feel that others want to discuss it as well? Now you can at www.therainbowhorizon.com is now a international place. Members from all over the world are here to express themselves. US, CANADA, UK, PHILIPPINES, and AUSTRALIA, just to name a few. Come join and share with your friends from around the world. You'll be amazed at just how much you have in common

Saturday, July 27, 2013

Rainbow Horizon

Rainbow Horizon It's time to change the world. Do something creative and less destructive. Show the world creativity is a better way to express yourself at www.therainbowhorizon.com please join and share this with your friends. Lets spread the word that creativity is the way to go.

Thursday, July 25, 2013

Rainbow Horizon

Rainbow Horizon Have you ever wanted to express yourself? Well now you can. Whether its through drawing, writing, photographs, tattoos, or even videos, yes that's right! Any venue you can think of, you can use (as long as its G-rated). I have 3800 views 320 likes and 28 members from all over the word. This is the new social media, so hop on aboard at www.therainbowhorizon.com I look forward to hearing from you soon.

Rainbow Horizon

Rainbow Horizon The Positive Calendar is almost finished. I'm waiting on one person to send his info in, but I still need 3 more people living long term with HIV and have a positive note for the calendar. All proceeds go to AIDS RESEARCH and HIV ORGANIZATIONS. For more information please go to www.therainbowhorizon.com thanks Mark

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Rainbow Horizon

Rainbow Horizon My website has reached 3700 views 299 likes and 26 members. The site has reached people all over the world with the newest member from Sidney Australia. I couldn't honestly have done this without the help from all of you. So to all of you I say thank you. If you know anyone who likes to be creative please tell them about this website www.therainbowhorizon.com because it was made for all with a creative side which is everyone.

Monday, July 22, 2013

Rainbow Horizon

Rainbow Horizon
I'm still looking for new members to join my site www.therainbowhorizon.com. its free to join and then post whatever your creativity is. Whether its photographs, stories, blogs, logos, tattoos, videos, poetry, and much more. I also still have a few openings for my Positive calendar. A calendar for people living long term with HIV and have a positive not to send to others. Email me if interested. Thanks

Saturday, July 20, 2013

Rainbow Horizon

Rainbow Horizon Hi folks, I've just revamped the site a little. I've also added a few more articles and there are quite a few forums and blogs. so stop by and check it out at www.therainbowhorizon.com Also anyone that was interested in being in the Positive calendar please let me know because there is only about 3 spots left thanks

Friday, July 19, 2013

New members

If anyone has an idea on how to get more people to join my site www.therainbowhorizon.com please feel free to let me know. I post on every social venue I have (which is about 20 different places), I have a lot of people liking the site but only 25 members so please help thanks Mark

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Rainbow Horizon

Rainbow Horizon
I've just added new content to my website. My website is more than just expressing yourself. It has real issues as well as inspirational stories, and heart wrenching videos. If you've never looked at the website, please do so. Make sure you check each tab because they all have different type of content on them at www.therainbowhorizon.com

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Rainbow Horizon

Rainbow Horizon I have poems, coming out stories, photos, logos, news, videos, music, and more is added everyday. Right now I'm working on a positive calendar (showing people that have lived a long time with HIV and that life does exist after HIV). My writers and members are from all over the world. If you want a place to express yourself creatively then join my site www.therainbowhorizon.com

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Rainbow Horizon

Rainbow Horizon Hi, my name is Mark the owner of the website www.therainbowhorizon.com I'm looking for a few things. 1. I'm looking for a gay couple that has adopted a child and would like to share their story on my site? 2. Anyone that has gone a gay vacation and would like to share their experience and photos from where they went? and 3. I am making a positive calendar, its a calendar for people living long term with HIV and have a positive not for everyone to see that life does exist after HIV and to end the stigma that comes with the virus. I have 5 people who want to be a part of the calendar and I am still looking for 7 more. if interested in any of these topics please send me an email on my website thanks Mark.

Monday, July 15, 2013

Rainbow Horizon

Rainbow Horizon 
We should not be ashamed of being HIV positive, but instead be proud & embrace it. With that said, I want to show everyone that life does go on. That's why I'm creating a positive calendar showing people that have lived a very long time and still are with HIV. The calendar will roll out by December 1st in time for Worlds AIDS Day the proceeds all go to AIDS research and HIV organizations. I have two people already I need 9 more if you're interested please inbox me and I will tell you what I need from you thanks Mark

Sunday, July 14, 2013

Rainbow Horizon

Rainbow Horizon I'm still looking for more bloggers photos videos members and likes. Its free to join. So show off your artistic creativity at www.therainbowhorizon.com Simply put, its a place to express yourself. Everyone wants to express themselves, but just don't have a place to do so until now.

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Rainbow Horizon

Rainbow Horizon Please welcome a new writer Justin V. on my website. Check him out! http://www.therainbowhorizon.com/

Rainbow Horizon

Rainbow Horizon New writers, a teenager discusses living with an STD, along with poetry and a new song for the website "Say" by John Mayer. So hurry and join my site (its free) at www.therainbowhorizon.com

Monday, July 8, 2013

Rainbow Horizon

Rainbow Horizon I have 86 likes and 20 members on my website www.therainbowhorizon.com I'm looking to reach 125 likes and 50 members by the end of July. I'm also looking for new content from viewers and members, so help me out join like and post thanks

Sunday, July 7, 2013

Music and Podcast

Music and Podcast Words to live by, "Live Like You Were Dying" By Tim McGraw listen to it and more music at www.therainbowhorizon.com its free to download and if you a song to share feel free to upload it here.

Rainbow Horizon

Rainbow Horizon Please welcome a new writer Skip Olshefsky, to www.therainbowhorizon.com

Rainbow Horizon

Rainbow Horizon Just added new members, videos, and music at www.therainbowhorizon.com to join got members area (its free) to sign the guestbook, scroll over members tab and click on guestbook

Saturday, July 6, 2013

Rainbow Horizon

Rainbow Horizon I just added an event to the calendar on my website. Do you have an event you would like to add, just follow this link http://www.therainbowhorizon.com/apps/calendar/

Friday, July 5, 2013

Rainbow Horizon

Rainbow Horizon Just added a new member to the site so stop by and welcome them by signing the guest book, thanks

Rainbow Horizon

Rainbow Horizon just added a new member so stop by and sign the guest book

Thursday, July 4, 2013

Rainbow Horizon

Rainbow Horizon I would like everyone to take a moment and view a website I built for the GLTB community to express themselves in any artistic venue the feel comfortable with. After you view the site please go to the members tab and click on the guestbook and comment what you think thanks Mark. The website is www.therainbowhorizon.com

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Rainbow Horizon

Rainbow Horizon I have 11 members and keep getting new ones everyday. The members and I have a big task at hand and that's to spread the word that creativity is a form of expression and a way to relieve stress. So come join the site and start your creative juices flowing. I would love to see you new blogs, forums, stories, photos, videos, and much, much more, at www.therainbowhorizon.com

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Rainbow Horizon

Rainbow Horizon I'm still looking for artist, members, and new viewers for my website. come see what we are all about at www.therainbowhorizon.com

Sunday, June 30, 2013

Rainbow Horizon

Rainbow Horizon Just updated my website. Check it out. Hit the like button and become a member at www.therainbowhorizon.com Thanks Mark

The Rainbow Horizon

So I have writers in 4 states and to countries for my website and my newsletter is going to be in 3 states. This was just a tiny dream I had one night about getting the word out about the GLTB community and the artistic value they have. I had no idea it was going to go this way. www.therainbowhorizon.com

Saturday, June 29, 2013

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

website update

I have just updated my website. upload and download music, share the site and much more. check it out www.therainbowhorizon.com


Do you sing, dance, play an instrument? Send me a video to mefsr1967@gmail.com and ill upload it to my website www.therainbowhorizon.com

Attention all writers

I need new content for my website sent me your stories, thoughts, blogs, and I'll post them on my site

Saturday, June 22, 2013

Express yourself

Have you ever wanted to express yourself, through drawing,writing, photography, tattoos? Well here's your chance. Go to www.therainbowhorizon.com and start its quick and easy

Friday, June 21, 2013

New website

Hey folks check out my new website when you get a chance let me know what you think and tell all your friends www.therainbowhorizon.com

Wednesday, June 12, 2013


Ok my first official newsletter is complete it will be out to the public in July and my website should be up an running by July as well thank you Amy 

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

New LGBT newsletter

So I'm starting an LGBT newsletter and I need some writers there's no pay because the news letter is free and I will be paying for the cost to publish it. I need teenagers to write about their normal trials and tribulations of being gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender. I also need your input on what needs to be talked in this community. Please inbox if your interested. Thanks 

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Tragedy finds love

Only through great tragedy can you find true happiness. I often look up at the stars at night and wonder if my special someone is looking up as well. Only in hopes that by some miracles miracle we might find each other up in the stars that shine brightly through the night. Though one might see this as a fairy tale, in reality isn't that what life is. Just a bunch of lonely souls wishing upon the stars to find that special someone that, may or may not exist? That is what true tragedy is. Hoping and praying that somewhere out is your true love. You have to go through a little pain and sorrow before you find real happiness. When in reality love doesn't happen for everyone. If you're truly one of the lucky ones, your loved one is waiting just upon the stars and the moon and when you least expect it, love will swoop down out of nowhere. It may be waiting around the corner or in that one place you have gone to every week for the past five years. You never know when or where love will hit, but just know it will hit when you least expect it. I am the last one to believe in love because of everything I have endured, but I truly believe that anything is possible if you wish and dream it. Through great tragedy, one will find true love.

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Do I matter

As I walk up the stairs my eyes that once filled with joy are now full of tears. The ledge is getting close. I feel I lost all hope, maybe I can make it quicker if I just use this piece of rope. Would it really matter if I was gone? My memories they're not that good or even long. As I stand upon the ledge, I have to wonder who will wonder if I'm dead. My enemies say go ahead as they stand out like a crowd. My friends who are far and few, they  say take our hand we don't want you too. Being alone is as close to hell as anyone can be and because of that I can see jumping off the ledge is best for me. As I head toward the pavement ground I still wonder how many people I really touched in this town. The ground that once seemed so small is now as big as all and still I'm wishing the pavement wasn't staring back at me. As I'm falling to my death faster and faster like my life passing before my eyes I had no reason to say goodbye. My face hits splat and blood is everywhere and now I wonder if someone really cared. I look around and see that my life mattered to no one but me. The blood is flowing all around. It's little trail on the ground is going toward the sewer heading out of town. Guts and bones everywhere at my funeral I see no one there which proves my point that it didn't matter if I was here.